
What is Acne?
Did you know there are several types of acne?
Types of acne
*Fungal acne or pityrosporum folliculitis are when yeast builds up in the hair follicle. It may be itchy and inflamed to experience.
*Cystic acne is pus-filled pimples and nodules, deep inside the skin.
*Hormonal acne affects adults with an overproduction of sebum that clogs pores.
*Nodular acne is a severe type of acne that causes pimples on the surface of your skin, and nodular lumps under the skin that are tender to touch.
*Closed comedones or whiteheads are the pores being clogged all the way through, creating a little white or flesh-colored bump on top of skin.
*Open comedones or blackheads, appear black on the skin’s surface. The color isn't dirt, it's melanin pigment and exposure to air.
Ever type of acne can affect our self-esteem and some can lead to permanent scarring.
Treatment Options
Laser Treatments
Laser treatment is an effective, less invasive way to treat acne scars & active acne on the skin.
Laser's use light to destroy the scar tissue on the top layer of the skin, encouraging the growth of new healthy skin cells replacing scar tissue.
Lasers reduce inflammatory acne lesions by targeting a portion of the main pathophysiologic factors such as P. acnes bacteria, sebaceous gland activity, by reducing inflammation.
Laser therapy can be a more comfortable option with less swelling, irritation, inflammation, and scarring after treatment compared with other treatment options.
Chemical peels
Peels are used with multiple applications of a chemical solution. Salicylic acid, glycolic acid or retinoic acid. This treatment is for mild acne.
Topical & Oral Treatment
Common topical & oral prescription medications for acne are Retinoids, Antibiotics, Azelaic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Dapsone and more.
*Multiple treatments may be required to achieve desired results, depending on the severity or type of skin irregularity. Patient's results may vary due to individual health, treatment plan and post treatment routine.
Treatment Plans & Home Care Routines Are Different For Every Patient
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by our medical professionals.
by our medical professionals.