We offer a free personalized 30 minute consultation

Our medical laser therapies treat all ages

Skin Treatments

Diffuse Redness
Excessive Oil Production
Facial & Leg Veins
Large Pores

Skin Rejuvenation
Skin Tags & Other Lesions
Sun Spots
Toenail & Foot Fungus
Unwanted Hair

Lumenis CO2

Ablative lasers generate beams of coherent light, absorbed by skin tissue. CO2 lasers produce light at a 10,600nm wavelength absorbed by water in the tissue. The energy causes temperature elevation which results in tissue evaporation or ablation.

The CO2 laser is absorbed in water, and because of skin’s high water concentration, it’s ideal for treating a number of skin conditions including warts, skin tags, AK, fibromas, keratosis, milia and more.

Cutera xeo

xeo and pieces

The xeo consists of an Nd:Yag, OPS600 and the Limelight laser. The OPS600 (Optimized Pulse Spectrum) beam emits 600-850nm of pulsed-light.

Applications such as acne scars, age spots, angiomas, compromised skin, deep dermal heating, freckles, inflammatory active acne, hair removal, lentigines, photodamage, poikiloderma, rosacea, scar reduction, facial veins, leg veins, periorbital veins, venous lakes, warts, and wrinkles.

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