Women’s Health

Women’s Health


Dr. Michele Moss has been educating and supporting women in making fully informed, up to date contraceptive decisions for 40 years. A referral letter from your family physician is preferable but you may self refer.

Your relationship with Dr. Moss starts with an educational session and  consultation that covers everything you want or need to know about menstrual cycles, bleeding control and contraceptive options.

While Dr. Moss specializes in Intrauterine Devices (IUD) and Nexplanon (subdermal arm) implants, you will learn about all contraceptive options, their mechanisms of action, side effects, failure rates, duration of care and costs related to  your choice of product. Alberta healthcare pays for your visits with Dr. Moss.

Dr. Moss provides your prescription and does the insertions herself. (she does not have students). You will be seen for a routine six week check up or at any time as required for duration of your treatment.

Meet Our Doctors